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The mind is the most powerful                thing in the world

      Guided        meditations

              neuroscience                     Studies Prove Guided
    meditation & affirmation's
             Are effective 


Self-affirmation processes are being activated by information that threatens the perceived adequacy or integrity of the self and as running their course until this perception is restored through explanation, rationalization, and/or action.

The purpose of these constant explanations (and rationalizations) is to maintain a phenomenal experience of the self-self-conceptions and images as adaptively and morally adequate—that is, as competent, good, coherent, unitary, stable, capable of free choice, capable of controlling important outcomes, and so on.


Studies show that self-affirmations can decrease health-deteriorating stress.

People have successfully increased their physical activity levels using self-affirmations in experiments.


Affirmations have been shown to help people perceive “threatening” messages with less resistance. 

These results suggest that people can apply self-affirmation as a tool for coping with everyday challenges.


Research shows that they can make a person less likely to dismiss harmful health messages. People were more likely to respond with the intention to change for the better.


Students, who were contending with negative stereotypes in school because of their race, gender, or generational status, boosted their academic achievements in college using affirmations.


Practicing self-affirmation has effectively lowered stress and rumination, both of which contribute to depression and anxiety.


Affirmations significantly increase feelings of hopefulness.


In one study, a short affirmation exercise boosted the problem-solving abilities of “chronically stressed” subjects to the same level as those with low stress.

Affirmations have been used to successfully treat people with low self-esteem, depression, and other mental health conditions.


Evidence suggests that affirmations can help you perform better at work. According to researchers, spending just a few minutes thinking about your best qualities before a high-pressure meeting can calm your nerves, increase your confidence, and improve your chances of a successful outcome.

        benefits of guided
     meditation & affirmations 


                     self love                                  Affirmation's-guided meditation           for selflove & appreciation


creativity enhancing affirmation's guided meditation-reprogramming the mind


        Prosperity, wealth & money       attracting affirmation's guided                                  meditation   

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